Society Like never before!
Take informed decisions, voice your concerns, and be the part of the solution !

Current Problems

Voice in a crowd

When in a crowd, it is impossible to voice your opinion unless you got the might and the loudspeaker!, but what if you could voice your opinion in your community, to your leaders and be noticed and heard without being discriminated by your wealth/position/other visual cues?

Bots and foreigners

As of today, any post you make on social media such as Facebook/ Instagram/ Reddit/ Quora or anywhere else, will be seen by everyone and everyone from different origins can comment on it. This is a problem because, you might not want to hear the opinion of a foreigner on your local issues, As it is not relevant and might be biased with their own agenda.

Forced communities

Imagine going to a new place, where does one start at? Where does one know the information about the place? Google Maps and wikipedia can only help so much. But imagine a place where you can ask questions about the place, get answers from the locals and also get to know the people around you. Forced communities will help the people in the community to know each other, the issues and how they can be part of the solutions and initiatives easily.

Information of Local services, requirements, rules and issues

We have governments providing us with a lot of administration to take care of us, yet no one know which exact department does what, even if we do, we don't know who they are, when they'll be open and what documents are needed. Every department has their own website.

  This lack of consolidated information makes it difficult for us to take informed decisions.

Community Transparency

Every community has an elected person, who is responsible for the community. But how do we know if they are doing their job? How does one know, the bidders and tendering process is as transparent as it seems to be? how does one make sure that the whole bidding is not rigged? The other important aspect is the reach of the tenders, and how many vendors know about the opportunity.

Community Statistics

A sensus every 10 years is not enough to know the community. We need to know the statistics of the community on a weekly basis (Minimum). And the dynamically ranging purchasing power, age, and many other factors. This will help the community to know the needs of the community and how to address them. In addition this will also help vendors to know the community and how to address them effectively.

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